When you’re thinking about having a baby, there’s a lot to think about. What do I need to do to make sure I’ll be healthy during my pregnancy? What should I be eating? Do I need to worry about toxins in my home and beauty products? And how will this new life affect my relationships, my career, and my other dreams?

Preconception is the perfect time to really sit with these questions, and health coach Xandra O’Neil is an expert in helping women navigate this special time in their lives. I’m so honored to have her as a guest on today’s podcast to talk about preconception—-and a whole lot more.

I’m also happy to announce that Xandra has invited me to be one of the expert speakers at her upcoming virtual conference. You’ll hear us talk a little bit about it at the end of the episode—-and you should absolutely make sure to sign up!

And I absolutely encourage you to sign up for the Creating Fertile Ground Virtual Conference. I’m so honored to be speaking in the company of Susun Weed, who is the person who first taught me about stinging nettle infusions (which so many of us now LOVE and use regularly.)

I love that Xandra has committed to making these teachings available for free (just make sure to take note of the window that each talk is available) and that she’s also made it possible for you to purchase the whole conference if you’d like to have the recordings for posterity. Register here so you don’t miss out!