Welcome to Psyche & Soma!
I’m Melanie and you’ve arrived at the front door of my complementary medicine practice. I specialize in herbal medicine for women’s health and mental health. Through this website, you can access a wide range of resources including both in-person and distance (phone/FaceTime/Skype) appointments.
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Articles & Inspiration
Stress on the Tip of Your Tongue
[svp]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbFBfaWIKdc[/svp] Your body doesn’t lie, and neither does your tongue. The truth about your stress levels is written right at the tip of your tongue. Check this sign for the truth about how well you’re managing...
Tongue Coating
[svp]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGv8BVV-aw0[/svp] When you look at your tongue, one of the first signs you might notice is the coating (or lack thereof) on your tongue. In this video, you’ll learn what your tongue coating means. We’ll look at...
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