Welcome to Psyche & Soma!
I’m Melanie and you’ve arrived at the front door of my complementary medicine practice. I specialize in herbal medicine for women’s health and mental health. Through this website, you can access a wide range of resources including both in-person and distance (phone/FaceTime/Skype) appointments.
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Articles & Inspiration
Herbs for Anxiety and Panic
Today’s episode is all about using herbs to support yourself in acute moments of anxiety and panic. Listen in to learn about safe & effective options to help restore a feeling of calm and safety.
Slow Metabolism? Check your tongue….
[svp]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3lk5MII_Vc[/svp] One of the most common signs that I see in my practice is the appearance of scallops or teeth marks on the sides of the tongue. In this video, you’ll learn what this common sign means from a...
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