Welcome to Psyche & Soma!
I’m Melanie and you’ve arrived at the front door of my complementary medicine practice. I specialize in herbal medicine for women’s health and mental health. Through this website, you can access a wide range of resources including both in-person and distance (phone/FaceTime/Skype) appointments.
Click any of the boxes below to learn more.

Articles & Inspiration
Dear Diary, or, Tongue Reading Gets Real
Something has been missing from my writing and podcasting in the last few months. It’s me. The truth is, the ‘expert’ voice doesn’t suit me terribly well. It’s not that I don’t have a lot of great (in my opinion)...
Herbs & Psych Meds
The Spectrum of Poisons & Remedies Imagine a spectrum in front of you: on the very far left, you can see lots of different food – it’s all calorie-dense, but not particularly nutritious. A little further in, you see lots of produce and multi-colored,...
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