Welcome to Psyche & Soma!
I’m Melanie and you’ve arrived at the front door of my complementary medicine practice. I specialize in herbal medicine for women’s health and mental health. Through this website, you can access a wide range of resources including both in-person and distance (phone/FaceTime/Skype) appointments.
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Articles & Inspiration
Soothe Your Throat and Free Your Voice: Mullein
The first herbal remedy I ever tried came into my life as a tip from my eccentric singing teacher, a retired opera star with a fabulous blonde mane and an untamable spirit to match. She usually blew through the double doors to the suite of practice rooms a...
How to Create an Herbal Ritual to Soothe a Broken Heart
When your heart is broken, words aren’t enough. All the verbal consolations in the world can’t reach the place that hurts when your heart is broken. It’s the conversation itself, not the things your friends say, that soothes a little. It’s the closeness and...
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