Welcome to Psyche & Soma!
I’m Melanie and you’ve arrived at the front door of my complementary medicine practice. I specialize in herbal medicine for women’s health and mental health. Through this website, you can access a wide range of resources including both in-person and distance (phone/FaceTime/Skype) appointments.
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Articles & Inspiration
“What if my body won’t change…?”
In my first semester of college, one of my acting teachers uttered a phrase that literally struck terror into my heart. “Your grade in this class will be based on whether or not your body noticeably changes.” My immediate reflex was to clench....
Metabolic Damage: A Path to Recovery
It’s very rarely the first thing a new client mentions to me, but once we’ve established some trust and rapport, I often start to hear certain familiar fears and questions bubble up around the edges of the conversation. “I’m not...
Wondering if herbal medicine is right for you?
Download this confidential quiz for personalized answers.