How do you make sure that your good intentions for 2014 actually come true? Stick to resolutions

I don’t want you to experience another year of disappointment in yourself after making your resolutions and setting your goals only to find that by February they’re long-forgotten and abandoned. In today’s episode, I’ll walk you through the strategies that will help you choose the right goals to set and give you the tools you need to stick with your efforts this year.

The steps we’ll talk about today are:

1. Release the past. Learn how to let go of past failures (and successes) so that you start off with a truly clean slate. Check out last week’s episode for a complete journal-writing exercise to walk you through the process.

2. Imagine how you want to feel. Why are you setting this goal in the first place? How do you want to feel when you reach your goal? And how can the process of pursuing the goal feel good to you?

3. Focus on behavior change. What day-to-day behaviors will get you to the finish line if you repeat them consistently?

4. Choose the right goals. Hint: they’re not what you think.

5. Track your progress. Harness the power of tracking to measure your progress and keep your motivation high.

6. Reward yourself the right way. Learn how to use rewards to increase your results and make the process of getting healthier and happier much more fun.