Healing Journey Articles

Chocolate and Pleasure and LOVE!

  I refuse to succumb to February doldrums. Instead, I  proclaim that February shall be LOVE MONTH here at p & s headquarters. Lest you think that this is going to be some extended parade...

Uneasy truths about self-love

Today I’m not writing to you as an expert. I don’t have tips up my sleeve or an abundance of pretty quotes to share. I’m writing to you as a traveling companion. I’m writing...

The Perks of Being a Risk-Taker

    What does it feel like when you take a risk? What does it feel like on your skin? Do you cheeks get hot? Does your heart beat fast? What does it feel like at the center of your chest?...

What I’ve been hiding…

    Something weird happened to me when I decided to practice herbal medicine and bodywork full time. I started to gloss over certain parts of myself, leaving behind pieces of who I am...

The Perils of Positive Thinking

  There is something beautiful and true about the idea that positive thinking confers blessings, and that shifting our perception is a powerful action that we can take even in moments that feel...

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