In today’s episode, I’m sharing an image that’s helped me get through some of the toughest experiences in my life. Listen to the podcast to hear my take on how our greatest gifts and deepest wounds are connected. We’ll also be going through a short meditation together. After listening, you might like to do some journaling and reflection on the questions I’ve listed below.

(The Creative Wellness Podcast theme song is “Swan Song” by Paper Navy, used here under a Creative Commons “share & share alike license.)


Questions for Journaling & Reflection

Get cozy with a cup of tea and your journal after the episode. Write down any ideas that stuck with you, or any stories from your own life that you’d like to reflect on. If you need some help getting started, try answering some of these questions.

1. Where are the tender spots in your life? Are there issues, topics, or memories that always create discomfort when you think about them?


2. What are the qualities of a sacred wound? What did you notice in your body during the first part of the meditation as we were imagining the Wound?


3. Have you met any people who were so consumed by their wounds that they were unable to use their natural talents or share their gifts? Or, have you met any people who were so focused on giving & achieving that they never did the healing & inner work that they needed? After you think of an example or two, write a little bit about what lessons YOU can learn from their examples. (This isn’t about judging others—chances are that you’ll notice these patterns in others because they are also present inside of you.)


4. Have you ever felt unable to give your gift, share your talent, or shine your brightest? How did it feel? What did you do to move beyond the blockage?


5. Describe the flower you imagined in your meditation. What did it look like? How did you feel as you were going through this part of the meditation? Does the flower you imagined give you any clues about your greatest gifts and how to care for them?


As always, I’d love to hear your feedback and reflections in the comments if there is anything from today’s episode that you’d like to talk about!