check out this case study video


The hardest questions I get sound something like this:

What herbs are good for __{insert health condition}___?

Herbalists hate this question because we can’t answer it. (Herbs don’t work this way. If I want a formula to work, I have to find the right herbs in the right combinations that will fit you as a whole person.) Every client I’ve worked with who had a low thyroid needed different herbs! 

Even though I can’t answer it, the question is perfectly reasonable. People want to know if herbal medicine actually works! I puzzled over how to address this for a long time. I think I’ve come up with an answer. It came from the advice that I keep hearing as I work on my writing: show, don’t tell.

I want to show you that the “magic” is in the system of herbal medicine as a whole, not just in particular plants. 

So I’m opening up my case records (anonymously, of course!) to show you what happens step-by-step as my clients take their herbs, shift their habits, and look inward at the things that matter most to them in their lives.

I can’t tell you which herbs work for thyroid problems.

But here’s a question I can answer:

Q:  Can herbs help a stressed out young woman with severe hypothyroidism (caused by exposure to the Chernobyl disaster in childhood) recover without having to take replacement thyroid hormone?

A:  Yes. (Click here to watch the case study video.)

The specific herbs she took are not the point. Your needs are different from hers. And herbal medicine isn’t right for everybody. But you should know that these are the kinds of results that are possible.

I hope this comes as encouraging news if you’re struggling with a health challenge, especially if you have symptoms that look like a low thyroid even though all of your bloodwork comes back normal. (Herbal medicine can be especially helpful in cases like that!)

I love herbal medicine, not just because of all of the cool symbolic/esoteric stuff that it connects to.

I love herbal medicine because it works.